Over 20 years ago in Orange, New South Wales, I started making my own collars for myself and a few close friends that I used to pig with, and the word began to get around. Then, while attending the first "Dog a Hog" show in 2000 in which 2400 hunters attended, many noticed the detail in my collars and this led into my move into full production and my full time job.
Around the same time, I owned 47 dogs, which gave me plenty of dogs to trial my designs and ideas on. My regular hunting as well as exercising my dogs with the aid of their treadmill, I developed 16 designs in my line of collars. They are now known as the "Cape Collar", "Chest Plate", "full plate with flaps" and "pace plate".
All my chest plates and neck collars are now with in built tracking collars covers as the tracking collar world has changed from 20 years ago.
Moving from orange & the hills to Rockhampton CQ and as far as Carins and Atherton in FNQ I hunted a lot real good spots and also lived in them.
Hills full of wombats to rivers full of crocks its been good to hunt the heat and the cold. Its a good learn on how to put collars together.
From hunting Cane and getting the chin bibs right as not to roll n bend over and having the air flow in the collar and open cooling neck to keep the heat out is just some of the many things I've pick up on.
Its not just making a collar its hunting with the collars and hands on each week full time year in year out.
Les, PDS
Good and Safe Hunting!